FlexMail software allows you to connect to, cleanse, and organize your mailing lists with an easy-to-use interface. It unlocks Canada Post postal discounts to save you money on mailing costs. FlexMail gives you the power to design and print content rich mail pieces that increase engagement with your customers.
FlexMail software scrubs your existing mailing lists to cleanse, organize and standardize your addresses. Through use of the Address Accuracy Program and the National Change of Address (NCOATM) Mover Data Service, FlexMail validates and updates your addresses to ensure they meet proper mailing requirements. By pre-sorting your mailings by postal code, you can gain access to additional discounts.
Turn your mailings into marketing opportunities
The design feature in FlexMail allows you to create professional looking envelopes and flyers by adding graphics and logos. By increasing the visual appeal of your envelopes, your mailings become more engaging and encourage reader interaction.
FlexMail seamlessly integrates into your current workflow, connecting to a several different mailing list formats including: Excel, Access, CSV, Text, PDF, and more. Automating your mailing list validation and organization saves you time while giving you access to postal discounts. With three software options, you can select a FlexMail solution that fits your business needs.
The intuitive interface saves you time and energy
Obtain the maximum eligible postal discounts on your outgoing mail and decrease the number of undeliverable mail pieces
Design and deliver mail pieces that grab the attention of your recipients
Customize your mail piece and brand awareness by adding your logo and corporate branding
The line of FP Printers allows you to effortlessly print marketing messages and vibrant designs that grab the attention of your recipients at a very low cost per print.